A New Start
Hi! I'm Sam, welcome to my blog!
You may notice that it's a bit empty around here. I started it a year ago when I had just finished one of those projects where I had to do a lot of digging to figure stuff out on my own; nobody had done quite what I'd wanted to do yet, apparently. You can go read my write-up about it, if you'd like:
It's... fine. It's a bit out of date and I should really update it with things that I've learned. Sometime. But after that I just got overwhelmed by what am I going to write next and haven't posted anything in a year. Whoops.
Anyways, I'm trying to start this up again! I got inspired by my friend Brooke starting their own newsletter as well as the occasional blog post that surfaces on Hacker News about why everyone should blog for various reasons.
A few years ago my parents asked me to start occasionally sending them videos because they wanted to know what I was doing spending so long on YouTube, or something like that. Because I can never just do something the normal way, I didn't just start texting them videos every once in a while because that would be too easy. Instead, for whatever reason, I thought "I should start a newsletter!" And so I did. I posted it 12 times. I'm still proud of it and it's still available. My favorite is still the post about Boston Dynamics:
This blog will sort of be a rejuvenation of that, while also forking the style of Tom Scott's newsletter - a weekly collection of the articles, videos, and other random things that I find interesting on the Internet. I'm planning on posting weekly on Saturdays, but that might change.